Ignorance is the disease of our time.
For that reason among our services we offer the chance of attending to your doubts, concerns or needs, giving informative speeches to small groups on any problem related to your feet that you have questions about.
There is no doubt that knowing more about a topic makes us direct and indirectly beneficiaries of it.
If you have diabetes but do not know why it affects your feet more than to others or what it is that you must and you must not do, you will surely make mistakes letting yourself driven by what you saw on television, or what the neighbor or Dr. Google told you, and your feet will end up paying for it.
But, if on the contrary, qualified, specialized and authorized sanitary personnel as we are the podiatrists, inform you and advise you properly, you will always know how to act or to whom to come to, and that will result in a better care, healthier feet and finally, it will make you feel happier.