Footstep studies are in fashion these days. But, what are they about precisely? and what are they for?
Has it ever happened to you being very motivated at starting practicing some type of sport (either amateur or professionally)and in a short time had to give it up because you have been injured or because it is impossible for you to follow?
Have you ever wondered why from time to time you stay “blocked” again and the visits to the physiotherapist are more frequent?
Does your child get tired when playing sports? Does your child stumble a lot? Does he get tired when he plays sports? Or doesn’t he just like any activity that involves running or moving around? Has his footwear lost its shape?
Is there not a single shoe in your closet that you can put on without feeling that something hurts?
Well, if any of this has ever happened to you, the cause may be some alteration at a muscle, articulation or tendon level related to biomechanics, that is, to the way in which your body moves.
In our consultation we do a complete functional study of the entire locomotive system (feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back), to try to find out if the discomfort you have may have their origin there. This includes:
- Postural evaluation
- Static and dynamic evaluation with pressure platform
- Assessment in standing and on a stretcher.
- Assessment on treadmill, since running is not walking faster! the movement patterns change completely.
Once we have a clear diagnosis, we decide on the most suitable type of treatment, to be carried out by ourselves or in a multidisciplinary way with other health professionals, depending on your personal, work and sports characteristics.
Please, no more non-qualified personnel making diagnoses like “are you pronator or supinator?”, because this is just like saying wheather the meal has salt or not; there are many more ingredients that can modify the taste, the finish, the texture, … in short, the result.
A good diagnosis is key for a successful treatment!!
C/Zurbarán 31, local comercial 4
03420 Castalla (ALICANTE)
Phone: 679499078 – 669758739